Monday, November 10, 2008

Crazy Story.

Dan likes to have pie for his birthday and it's been a tradition to go out for pie. We always order a whole pie and then get to enjoy some later.

Well we went to a place in Erie called Eat-N-Park originally, but something unusual happened.

Eat-N-Park has a front part of the restaurant that sells whole pies and cookies attached to the regular family restaurant. We went in, looked at the pies in the fron and told the hostess that we wanted to buy a certain one and go into the resaurant and eat it. Well, the manager of the establishment happened to walk buy and the hostess asker her if we could buy a whole pie and eat it in the restaurant. She said that it was against their policy, but if we wanted to buy slices of pie we could eat inside. We said we were here to buy a whole pie and she basically told us that we could leave with one if we wanted.

We left without a pie.

This is a picture at Bob Evans down the street, where we had a whole pie without any problems.

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